Monday, February 21, 2011

Busy Bees

The countdown is on! It’s hard to believe we are almost three months into the New Year. The 21st is right around the corner. As Maria has mentioned, we had a pretty eventful weekend. Everything for the wedding and reception are pretty much set. Maria has done a great job of taking charge of things. Over the years, I have heard many horror stories about how wedding planning causes unneeded stress. It hasn’t been the case for us. It has been a lot of fun. I have already begun packing up and getting rid of things I don’t need. I figure if I start doing so now, it will be less for me to do later.

Our New Furniture!

This weekend was a blast. Bart and I went to the Nebraska Furniture Mart and picked out the furniture for our new apartment. I am going to be moving in sometime in April and Bart will after we get married, so we went ahead and picked everything out while we had some free time. It was a new expierence for us to try and figure out what we liked. We have similar tastes when it comes to style and color of things but it was fun getting to look at different couches and bedsets. So here is what we ended up choosing. I can't wait to start decorating our new place, I love to decorate and figure out how everything is going to be arrange in the apartment.

Living Room Sectional

Our Bedroom Set - looks like this but in a darker wood color.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day

Wow yesterday was already Valentines Day. Geeze this year is just rolling along. Bart is such a sweetheart he bought me lillies for Valentines Day, made my a wooden heart box and filled it with Hersey Hugs. We spent the evening with Crystal, Mike, Kevin and Jeremiah which was a blast, we ate pizza and this awesome German Chocolate cake that I made. I am looking forward to the weather getting warmer, then I can start wearing all my cute outfits again. I am not a big fan of winter and having to wear lots of layers.

These are my beautiful flowers!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jeremiah Time :)

My best friend just had baby 2 1/2 weeks ago and I love my nephew so much. I got to spend a couple hours with them last night and I had such a blast. It is really amazing to see God's work, I got to watch him grow inside of her and here I am holding and playing with this little miracle. God really manages to suprise me daily with all the wonders that he creates. I am not to fond of the cold that he is creating right now, this 0 degree weather is no fun. My eyes almost froze together the other because they were having an allergic reaction to something and were watering.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wedding Planning.

Bart and I are going to use this blog to keep in contact with friends in family. We are currently busy with our wedding planning. We had a great weekend, cake tasting was yummy. Our wedding cake is going to be yummy and beautiful. Within the next couple weeks we will be taking out engagement photos.

My gorgous engagement ring!