Tuesday, March 29, 2011

April here we come.

As we enter a new month here in a few days I begin to start the countdown of things todo for the wedding. On April 30th I am having my Bridal Shower :) and after that it is all down hill so to speak. We have to finalize the guest list and place the final order for the food, figure out what kind of music to play and then pay everyone.

On the 17th of April Bart and I are finally taking our Engagement Photos. Our photographer was waiting for the weather to get nice since our photos are going to be outdoors. It will be nice to have some professional photos that do not include a wedding dress in them.

I have begun to pack up my room and I am trying to figure out what I need to keep. It's strange to think that I am going to pack up my premarried life into boxes and then once they get opened again they will be in a new chapter. It's hard trying to figure out which childhood things to hold onto and which just need to get donated. My parents are looking forward to turning my room into their new gym. The thought of not having my own room in my parents house is kind of sad. My bed is still going to be in that room because it is going to be a gym/ guest room. I don't like the idea of others sleeping in my bed either lol.

So I am wondering when spring will appear! This week has been filled with snow so far. Can you believe it! It's almost April and I am having to look at snow outside and having to remove it from my car in the morning. Here is a picture of a tree on campus that is pretty but also very snow covered!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

1940's might be my style.

The past couple of days I have been trying to figure out what to do with my hair for the wedding. I have fallen in love with 1940's and Rockabilly hairstyles. This might be what my style is, I love the clothing from that era and everything about the hair and makeup. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time period. I decided to do a trial on my hair with a fun 1940's hairstyle. Wow they are not as easy to do as I thought, it's even harder when you have thick straight hair.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The stress that goes along with wedding planning...

I have been torn for a while with our agreement with the church on how many people we are allowed to have at our wedding. I have come to the point to where I don't care anymore! We are going to have as many people as we want to be there. The church can bill me later, I hate the fact that I have to break up families because we are only allowed to have 50 people. Gosh it's really dumb. Is there going to be someone at my wedding counting heads to make sure that I didn't go over the limit? Honestly there comes a point where being money hungry and being able to enjoy the holy union of marriage gets blurry.

I attempted to clean out the closet last night and start packing up my room. I say attempted because it was on my mind that I needed to get that started but I choose to read my book instead. One of these days I will get around to getting this stuff done. Spring needs to hurry up and get here! That way I can pack up the winter clothes and start pairing down things that I want to keep and things that need to go to the Goodwill.

I went to Pier 1 yesterday and bought some fun stuff. I love this store by the way, I got some fun jewelry on clearance. On a previous trip I got some fun table settings for 98 cents a piece. Being a bargain shopper pays off!

Here is the fun stuff I picked up yesterday.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2011

As the weekend is coming to an end, I’m enjoying it by watching the Texas / Arizona basketball game. It’s official. My bracket isn’t one hundred percent correct. Some of the teams I picked to win didn’t follow through. Hate when that happens... It’s been a good tournament thus far though.

Maria and I received a beautiful card and some money from her grandfather. With the money we received, we purchased our bathroom set, dishes, and glasses. Picking out the stuff was a lot of fun.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Time flies!

We have 64 days until our wedding and not much left to do :) I am having my bridal shower on April 30th, so that is something for me to look forward to next month. I pick up my wedding dress a few weeks ago and I need to start figuring out what kind of accessories I would like to have. I bought a really pretty locket to wear, I wanted to have something where I could have a picture of my grandparents. My grandparents passed away a few years ago and they were a big part of my life so I wanted them to be with me while I walk down the isle. I am still working on the something borrowed and the something blue. Our wedding registry is all finished! I am looking forward to just sitting back next month and really doing non wedding things lol. After a while all the wedding planning gets a little tiring.

I am really loving the weather that we have had the past couple of days. Being able to wear my dresses and skirts brings a smile to my face. Bart and I are going to get our engagement pictures take on April 17th. We can't wait to decorate our apartment and just enjoy our place together. It all seems so far away right now but I continue to count down the days till I can move in.

If the weather is nice this weekend Bart and I might go out and take some pictures. I love taking pictures, that would be why are housing is going to be filled with a million pictures and various frames. So if all goes well, I will be posting some new pictures of the two of us this weekend.

Sorry to disappoint we didn't have a chance to take any pictures this weekend, the weather wasen't as pretty as I thought that it would be.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What do we need...

It has been such a fun expierence trying to figure out what Bart and I are going to need in order to start our life together. I never knew how much stuff is needed to fill our apartment. It's funny I look at my mom's kitchen and it has everything that I would need to cook or bake anything that I want. When I am registering for all of the same things I start to see how much is needed for my kitchen. I am getting to the point where I don't know what all needs to go on this registry. I need to have enough gifts for people to give for both the bridal shower and the wedding. The weekend project for Bart and I is to continue to add things to the registry.

On a side note gas pricing are getting horrible around here, so I am thinking about giving the jeep back to my mom and investing my money into a fuel efficent car. Yes I am going to jump on the hybrid bandwagon well sort of. I have been doing a lot of research about what these new cars are doing for not just people's wallets but also for the environment. My dad and I are going to take a look at some potential cars this weekend. I have narrowed down what I am willing to purchase and I am really interested in taking the Honda Insight lx for a test drive. More to come on how this adventure of mine turns out.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Goodbye February. Hello March.

Yesterday, Maria and I went to florist to pick out the flowers for the wedding and reception. They are going to look great. The next big thing on our list are the engagement photos. Besides that, there are only a few loose ends that need to be tied together before May 21st. The d.j. was contacted last week. Make sure your dance shoes are shined because this is going to be one for the ages.

Throughout all the planning, I would have to say the hardest thing has been putting together the guest list. It’s rough. The line has to be drawn somewhere though. Maria and I did the best we could to have at least two people representing each family.

Maria touched a bit on the NCAA basketball tournament. I’m looking forward to all the surprises and madness that March Madness has to offer annually.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Only 2 months to go!

Wow it is already the first of March. How time flies when you have a millon things going on. This is month is going to be a rather busy month for me. Work is going well which means I have a lot of things going on. I am going to start packing up my room because I move into mine and Bart's apartment on the 15th of April :) I picked up my wedding dress yesterday. It kind of hit once I hung up the dress in my room that I am getting married in 2 months. This year has been one with a lot of changes. Working full time has been a great experience for me and I have been able to grow up a lot more. Bart's time is going to be occupied with March Madness this month, I am going to be working around a college basketball schedule to get things done haha.