Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Fun!

Halloween has created it's own traditions with our family. We will be passing out candy at my parents house, some downsides to living in an apartment complex is that trick or treating doesn't really happen. Bart and I have been carving pumpkins every year for the past 3 years. Our carving skills have been improving over the years, we use the Pumpkin Master's Carving Kits.

Here are this year's creations:

Happy Halloween

Bart's Pumpkin

My Pumpkin

Monday, October 17, 2011

I love Fall!

Fall is by far my favorite time of year. I love watching all the leaves change colors and the nice cool but not too cold yet air. Bart and I have made plans to go walking this weekend and enjoy the pretty colors. I think that it's time that I take out my camera and go capture this wonderful time of year. It's hard to find time for your hobbies when you work and then come home to cooking, cleaning and laundry.

I am trying to build in more time for fun things. I think I did a rather good job of that this past weekend. I was able to spend time with my mom. It's great being able to go out for coffee during out girls outing. Soy Pumpkin Spice Lattes are the best! Sad that everything that contains milk is getting replaced with soy but it's okay. No whip cream on mine, trying to cut down some calories.

Our weekend is going to be rather exciting, we are going to be craving our pumpkins :) We will be taking some fun pictures of that. Back in 2008 was mine and Bart's first Halloween together and Bart's first time carving pumpkins. He was so proud of his pumpkin and then got his heartbroken when the birds ate most of the pumpkin overnight. Hope we have better luck this year.